Wednesday, July 29, 2009

hotelshopUK - part of Guiness world recording breaking history?

Interesting news! Received an email today to tell us that hotelshopUK have been included in the world's first mile long billboard!

The project is an attempt to create history and break a Guiness World Record for the longest ever billboard and the internet's largest piece of art.

It's true, I have checked and we are on there - took a few page scrolls down but found the hotelshopUK banner in the end. Can you find it too?

The email advising us hotelshopUK are part of this unique project to create the Worlds First Mile-Long Billboard is signed simply by the unassuming sounding duo, Joe & Sam. Unassuming they may sound in name, yet it's clear the aspirations of the project are pioneering and sure to find favour in both the advertising and artistic worlds - so thanks for including hotelshopUK guys!

If you want to have a look at worlds first mile-long advertising and have a go at spotting hotelshopUK pop along to


Why not get the latest and cheapest hotel & short break deals and sign up to our eNews at

Monday, July 20, 2009

Records are broken at hotelshopUK

Morning! Well what a weekend it's been. We've smashed a few records here at hotelshopUK in the last week and it's really good news for business! On Friday, we sent out our first customer mailing since last December and were waiting with baited breath to see what the impact would be - we've been taking a more online approach but thought it would be good reconnect with people on a more tangible level too.

It's good news - we took our highest ever number of calls and everyone was rushed off their feet to answer them.

So what's caused the sudden upsurge? Apart from the normal discounted prices that we always guarantee here at hotelshopUK, and UK hotel breaks from £14.50 per person, it was the 2 night inclusive deal and a luxury 2 night bed & breakfast break that people were clambering to book. Who can blame them - if you could spend less than £80 per person for 2 nights with breakfast, dinner, unlimited drinks (both soft and alcoholic) and no single supplements wouldn't you?!
The selection of luxury hotels offered with 50% off for 2 nights B&B at only £49.50 per person also proved too much to resist.

It's fantastic we've been able to produce such exceptional offers for our customers and just hope that you all get in there quick enough to take advantage. There's still availability at the time of posting but they are selling out fast so our advice is to call us on 08448 488 488 or get on the hotelshopUK website quick!

Here's to some more record breaking business!

If you or anyone you know wants to get the best deals on hotel accommodation and short breaks, please tell them about hotelshopUK. You can find our cyber self online at or for a human touch call us on 08448 488 488.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Leave a green footprint, not a carbon one

With more and more walking trails being opened in some of the most picturesque sites of the UK, there's never been a better time to dig out those muddy old walking boots (or get those shiny new ones that you promised to get out of the box, worn in and spattered with the remnants of a day outdoors) and get rambling.

A recent report in The Guardian tells of the increasing number of walking routes being opened to encourage us to leave the cars and get stomping through the green, green grass of home. On route you can expect lakeside landscapes, rural communities, outdoor sculptures and art installations, plus much more.

Why not make this the year you join in and leave behind a green footprint, rather than a carbon one

For a great selection of walking breaks including accommodation, breakfast, dinner, FREE packed lunches & walking maps from just £44.50 per person, go to or call one of our friendly advisors on 08448 488 488.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Travelling abroad? How to avoid this modern day money pitfall

A quick travel tip today if you plan on using your bank card abroad. It's partly bourne of a friend's personal experience and increasing murmurings from the travel community.

A recent trip to Iceland saw a friend of mine, who had planned and organised the visit as a birthday present for her husband, suddenly stranded without money. Thinking, as one might in this modern world, that rather than risk carrying around wads of Icelandic krona she would instead make use of ATMs to draw her money as and when she needed it. Not a preposterous idea I think you'll agree.

Upon trying to do so however she encountered a problem. The machine didn't want to give up her money. Strange since, a) she knew the money was in there and b) she had used her card several times abroard in previous years with no problem. A call to the bank revealed the reason; they had frozen her card. But why?

Well, it would seem that trying to use the card abroad had triggered off a fraud alarm in the depths of her bank's HQ. After a lengthy discussion it transpired that, unbeknowst to her, she should have informed her bank before travelling as the attempted transactions were interpreted as fraudulent activity. Fine, but she had no knowledge of her duty to do this.

The matter was sorted and something new learned. Of course, she was very grateful for the banks efficiency at protecting her money and avoiding a more serious situation, so no harm done thankfully.

It would seem though that she's not the only one who wasn't aware of this new practice. Reading some seasoned travel writers experiences reveals they have also encountered this and my guess, and the point of this story, is that if they are not aware then it's probable that most people aren't. So, remember, if you want to use your bank card abroad to withdrawn your hard earned spending money it's worth advising your bank beforehand to avoid the situation that many have found themselves in.

Monday, March 9, 2009

And the award for sunniest location in the UK goes to...

Eastbourne! Well, it would seem this picturesque south coast town is the hottest place to go in the UK and the best bet for a sunny day. The Telegraph Newspaper has named Eastbourne as the sunniest place in the UK recording more than 14 more hours of the good stuff in February than the national average! It's this continued record that makes it such a popular hotspot with holiday makers.

So, why not indulge in some light (sorry!) fun and get yourselves down to sunny Eastbourne - hotelshop UK has over 40 hotels to choose from, just follow this link

Happy Holidays!

Coming soon...find us on iGoogle

Exciting developments at hotelshop UK HQ - we're looking at creating a hotelshop UK Google Gadget so we can be there, present and correct, on the iGoogle homepages of millions! That's our aim and we'll keep you updated on the this space!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

There's bird song in the air

We've arrived on the boards of Twitter - come follow our tweets and get updated on what hotelshop UK are doing! You can find us at

All you have to do is sign up for a Twitter account if you haven't already and choose to follow us! It's that simple...great hey? Please excuse the current picture!!! Better one coming soon...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Euro surely not going to go there!

With the Euro down against the pound the prospect of securing a cheap European holiday is decreasing with almost as much speed as the housing market. If you do find a great deal, chances are that you'll spend almost as much, if not more, whilst you're there so it dawned on me that 'staying at home' (ok, in the UK!) might be the new 'going abroad'. Staying in the UK for your holidays might sound less appealing than sunning-it-up on a deserted island but I urge you to look again.

For those that want from their break a peacefulness and a time to reflect and get closer to mother nature, the UK & Ireland is home to some of the most beautiful countryside around. Take the lake district for example, what more breathtaking beauty can one person behold? If not the Lakes, then there are miles of coastline teaming with wildlife, picture postcard villages and cosy tea-rooms just waiting for you to arrive, breathless and freshfaced from your rambles, and serve you a warming sweet brew and feather light fairy cakes that sprinkle magic into your day. Behold, with childlike awe, the extraordinary sunsets that envelope the striking landscape of the Gower Pennisula or try to glimpse the monster that lurks beneath the waters of Loch Ness. Take the time to explore the stunning landscapes that are on your doorstep; to slow down, to switch off the phone, forget the emails, the children's demands, the endless list of To Do's that never get done and just: breath. relax. And take it all in. Because:
"What is this life if full of care
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep, or cows.
William Henry Davies 1871 - 1940

For those that want to charge up their holidays, why not choose the buzz of a city? Once again, there is an abundance out there. Most obvious, of course, is London. What you can't do in London just isn't worth mentioning but it's worth looking beyond the M25 and discovering what the new glittering cities have to offer. An array of restaurants, bars, pubs, shops, and attractions for all ages mean a weekend in the city could be your new favourite pastime.

Still not convinced, well how about knowing that you could be staying in 3 star hotels from as little as £19 per person per night? Costa del 'falling Euro' not so attractive now.

Like a long lost but much loved shoe discovered at the back of the wardrobe, the UK is yearning for you to go out there and re-discover it. Travel its ancient landscapes, re-trace the steps you did as a child, take a fresh look at its treasures be they old or new and rejoice in not having to stand in one single airport queue to do it!

For a fantastic selection of short breaks and hotels in delightful Blighty, bonnie Scotland and enchanting Ireland, go to now.